Let's Rummage

Saturday 22 November 2014

"A Beautiful, Beautiful Baby"

I finally got around to doing something I've been meaning to do for ages. Sometimes a stupid joke gets stuck in my brain and I can't shake it loose. Probably a sign that I should exorcise it by exposing it to the light of day.

If you live in London and use public transport  - the only way to travel in the CAPITAL Awa Rich - you'll see women wearing badges that say Baby on Board. A quick search around the internet will reveal lots of people having fun with this. Journalist Christina Kenny, on her D for Dalrymple blog, has a few words to say on the subject and Em at Faire Do's Blog made a few of her own.

No one, to my knowledge, has made a badge like mine. A baby on board badge might get you a seat on a crowded tube but mine will get you a whole carriage!

I can feel a movement coming on.

I hope it's not that alien Awa Rich! There are enough DLCs around here already.

* DLC Dubious Looking Character

The title is a line from Alien Resurrection - probably my favourite of the Alien films, I like Jean Pierre Jeunet's wry humour - spoken by Brad Dourif, just before the the new born alien hybrid bites the top of his head off like a boiled egg.

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