Let's Rummage

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Celtic Hearts Entwined

I finished the Celtic Valentine card in a bit of a rush - like, while I was making the first cuppa on the morning of Valentine's day. I was reasonably pleased with it but the longer I looked at it the less happy I was.

So I started again.

Watercolour and coloured pencil on Fabriano Classico .5 HP 140lb. watercolour paper
Happy now Awa Rich?

Yeah, well, y'know... Get'n there.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Don't Call Me Shorty!

A diminutive Nordic character. Watercolour and coloured pencil.

No particular reason.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Celtic Hearts

Last week's brief at the Putney School of Art and Design Illustration class was to create a bookmark or a Valentine's card.

Several people produced Valentines bookmarks so I was not being original. I removed some bits after the show and tell session as the general opinion was that they were unnecessary. I had to agree.

I was going to do more to it but this morning I decided it was done. There are more ideas germinating from this project.

There always are Awa Rich. Thing is to do summink about 'em!

Can you see 6 hearts?
(Watercolour and coloured pencil on 200gsm cartridge paper)

Sunday, 1 February 2015

John Singer Sargent

I did my daily dip into my favourite art blog - Charley Parker's Lines and Colors - and was delighted to see a collection of charcoal portraits by one of my favourite artists, John Singer Sargent.

I love the spontaneous  appearance of his watercolours and charcoal drawings, but at the same time they seem so precise and considered.

There was a familiar looking face amongst them.

I made a copy of this drawing in watercolour, a few years ago, during a painting class with Ian Ellis at the Putney School of Art and Design. The exercise was to copy a painting or drawing by a well known artist using tertiary greys - mixing greys from primary and secondary colours.

And the winner is...

Not Awa Rich!

Shurrup, who asked you anyway?