Let's Rummage

Tuesday 17 June 2014

It's Full of Cats!

Ten thousand years from now - when we've all gone to our accounts impenitent - and Tony Robinson is digging up the internet only to discover it's made entirely from cats - I want the Akashic record to show that I made a small but significant contribution.

The cup of my drafts folder runneth over with incompleteness so here's a bit of silliness to tide you over until the next post.

Oh the bugles played the next post in chorus, and the pipes played the flowers of the forest.

Mr. Foo is my downstairs neighbour's cat. I don't want to know that he's really called Keith or Fankle J. Roosevelt. He sits on the window sill surveying his domain, looking like an old Mandarin.

I didn't utter a word Awa Rich.

I drew him with Derwent Coloursoft pencils.

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